You ever wonder why people believe that there is no the perfect person? I have always wonder why people had to think like that...Did they really had a bad ending to their relationship that they dont trust that there is a perfect person?
I live in a world of fairy tales, fantasy...imagination...not like those girls that normally think about how their prince charming would look like. But I have always imagine being in another world, soo beautiful that maybe, just maybe I could just share it with someone. Someone who share the same interest as me, someone who could imagine with me, someone who could be with me in the imaginary world.
Time has passed by. I know its still kindda early to be in a new relationship after just breaking up with my previous one. But somehow I feel that...he is the one. But like all girls, I am scare... scare that it will end badly. Everyone says to me that he is the one, that he is the only one that I was meant to be. That I could not be more happier with someone else other than him. Now that we are officially girl-boy friend, I am the most happiest girl on earth. He is my perfect man. He is my other half. He is the one that i rather be with.
But I am scare. I am scare of being played. I am scare of what might happen in the future.