
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Truth about God

Sometimes I wonder... Who is God? If God created to universe, then what created God? What is God made of and how do we know what is real and what is not? Maybe the things that we think that aren't real, would be the real things after all, and all those that we believe them to be real are just illusions? What if the Greek gods were real, or the Titans, or the Norse Gods? What is all of them were real and Ragnarok did really happen...maybe on earth? If not, then why would the archeologist came to the findings of giant skeletals all over the world? And where are they now??

What if, just what if...a question...that all religions was made up in order for us to just be farmers, doing our things, minding our own business with our eyes blind folded by religion? What if God, as we see now, is actually Aliens that once visited the ancient Mayans and the Egyptians??

But the biggest question of all. If knowledge in the early BC was not up to our knowledge of existence and technology, then how on earth did they build enormous maze like architecture? Surely there are some remaining piece of knowledge left uncovered...

Well, this is just my screwed up everyday thoughts.
The question of "what if".
Since in reality, war happens because of the differences in race, religions and country. Yet, we are all the same...Human, who so blindly do things without even to ask "what if". So blindly following the norms.

This is ScartyScarf signing off!

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