
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Busy Week

Hi guys, its been a long busy week that I couldn't even have a peak at my own favorite blogs. Anyway, I have been busy walking around KL, taking pictures, taking more footages of what is happening around us. I have a car of my own. But I more prefer to drive my car to somewhere, and walk 50 meters around it, taking pictures and videos as I go. Not only it is a good way to loose all the fats, but sometimes you just cant get anything from sitting in the car...

So back on the matter of my final year project, looks like it that I cant make it, because I don't have any actress that would play the part of the girlfriend. Now my plan has changed... I'm doing a documentary instead, about life...and death... Im on the way of editing it... But tears keep falling down as I edit...just too sad...

Anyway, got to go do my work... Take care, and Happy Halloween.

This is ScartyScarf signing off...

P.S... If I am lucky enough, I might just bring you some pictures of Halloween in Malaysia (KL).

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Life N Death

Sometimes I have the feeling that we are God's food. God made us from flour, bake us till we either becomes a pretty, lovely cake, or un ugly cake. But either way, God will eat what God made. Which comes to the saying that God will take away whatever that is given to us, especially your lives.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Having a phone...

The thing about living in this new era is that all of the new generations are highly equip with technology. Now one can be seen without at least having a cellphone in their pocket. But that is the thing about cellphones, you can call people at a distance, and people can call you just to irritate you. But I dont know why, for me when I call someone on their cell and they dont pick up, I always came to imagine them laying somewhere on the road, dead!... Especially when its someone I care for...

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Weird Boring Week

This week, totally sucks. Nothing much to do but work work work... Work I do that I dont even get paid for... yet Im doing all the paying for my work. Now, Im broke... not totally broke yet, but breaking... What should I do? Find a part time job? Currently that is what I have in mind. But what about my assignments?? Not to mention, I havent had fun in months! When was the last time I even went for a show?

I still have about a month or so to get everything finish. A month is a whole lot of time in hell but not enough time in heaven. Time is running out. But what should I do after graduation?? Thats a mystery...

Anyway, got to go find something to eat...

ScartyScarf signing off!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Being a Director First Time

Everybody faces problems everyday. From the adults who have health problems, down to babies who tries to tell their parents what they need in baby language. The thing is, no one can run away from problems. Its just that how you are going to face it when it arrives.

Truth about God

Sometimes I wonder... Who is God? If God created to universe, then what created God? What is God made of and how do we know what is real and what is not? Maybe the things that we think that aren't real, would be the real things after all, and all those that we believe them to be real are just illusions? What if the Greek gods were real, or the Titans, or the Norse Gods? What is all of them were real and Ragnarok did really happen...maybe on earth? If not, then why would the archeologist came to the findings of giant skeletals all over the world? And where are they now??

What if, just what if...a question...that all religions was made up in order for us to just be farmers, doing our things, minding our own business with our eyes blind folded by religion? What if God, as we see now, is actually Aliens that once visited the ancient Mayans and the Egyptians??

But the biggest question of all. If knowledge in the early BC was not up to our knowledge of existence and technology, then how on earth did they build enormous maze like architecture? Surely there are some remaining piece of knowledge left uncovered...

Well, this is just my screwed up everyday thoughts.
The question of "what if".
Since in reality, war happens because of the differences in race, religions and country. Yet, we are all the same...Human, who so blindly do things without even to ask "what if". So blindly following the norms.

This is ScartyScarf signing off!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A Tiring Day

Today is as normal as any day could be. Nothing much to do. Only I wish that I was back in the T-Bowl restaurant eating that poopoo coco ice cream. It was only around 6 ringgit. Something worth while on this tiring and boring day.

I personally dont even know why I got tired in the first place. Maybe it is the lack of sleep... but I sleep around 1:30 am yesterday... I should say today... this early early way early morning. Anyway, this is life. Life of a student. No matter if its sleeping late or early, still have to drive to uni the next day. Talking about drive, that reminds me... I nearly hit into the bud of another car... I think it was a proton...

Anyway, today I am heading the bed a little early. So goodnight all, have a good dream.
This is ScartScarf signing off!