The thought "What am I here for?" has always been in my mind like honey towards a wild bear. I don't know if it is the same for many out there, or perhaps I am just to drama queen, but I am sure there are probably one or two out there that might just think the same way as I am now.
Life, is it simply just because it is the way it is? Or that everything that we know, everything that we have had been through and experience things and live to tell about it another day just occur with no absolute reason? That things just happen because it happened so? Or are we all pre-destine to something larger?
I have always wonder to myself, what would I be like after 10 years, 15, 25 years gone by... What would I be doing by then? Would I be someone of importance or would I just be like every else who goes about their business and not caring about the world?
Would I be doing what I need to do or would I just be a normal wife to a normal husband and have a normal family like everyone else?
If everyone is living one and the same life that everyone else is living in, then what makes us different from each other? How would I say that "I am Kimberly Yeo Chui In, the one and only?" Are we all created to be the same and doing the same things day after day like everyone else? But what if, there is something more that we could do, something that we normally would not do, but because of the things that are changing around us, causes us to be better and to take action?
1. What if we were all born with a higher purpose, whether it is to meet someone, or to help someone in need that we are able to help them, or maybe, perhaps to change the world for the better?
2. Will we be able to learn what it is that we are suppose to do, or do with take a leap of faith? But faith in what?
3. How and where do we find these answers and how reliable are they?